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Причастие I (Present Participle)

Причастие, так же как и герундий, является неличной формой глагола, т. е. такой формой, в которой не выражается ни категории лица, ни категории числа. Поэтому причастие самостоятельно не может выполнять функции сказуемого.

Являясь глагольной категорией, причастие имеет временные и залоговые отличия, полностью совпадающие с формами герундия:

Формы причастия
  Active Passive
Present taking being taken
Perfect having taken having been taken

Так же, как и у герундия, временные отличия причастия имеют относительный характер.

Present Participle выражает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого:

Taking the book he promised to return it soon.

Беря книгу, он обещал скоро ее вернуть.

Perfect Participle выражает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого.

Having taken the book, he went away.

Взяв книгу, он ушел.

Функции причастия в предложении и их перевод

Present Participle Active

1) Составная часть сказуемого, выраженного формой Continuous (в сочетании с глаголом to be) переводится личной формой глагола:

The liquid is boiling.

Жидкость кипит.

2) Определение (ставится перед существительным) переводится причастием:

A floating body displaces some water.

Плавающее тело вытесняет некоторое количество воды.

3) Определительный причастный оборот (ставится после определяемого слова) соответствует придаточному предложению:

The atom contains a number of electrons revolving around the nucleus.

Перевод может быть сделан двумя способами - определительным причастным оборотом, или развернутым придаточным предложением:

Атом содержит некоторое количество электронов, вращающихся вокруг ядра.

Атом содержит некоторое количество электронов, которые вращаются вокруг ядра.

4) Обстоятельственный причастный оборот времени, причины или образа действия:

а) Обстоятельство времени. Такие обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям времени; иногда они начинаются союзами while или when, которые на русский язык не переводятся:

(While) making one of his experiments, Yablochkov was seriously injured as a result of the explosion.

Эти обороты можно переводить тремя способами.

Деепричастным оборотом:

Проводя один из своих опытов, Яблочков серьезно пострадал в результате взрыва.

Существительным с предлогом:

При проведении одного из своих опытов Яблочков серьезно пострадал в результате взрыва.

Развернутым придаточным предложением:

Когда Яблочков проводил один из своих опытов, он серьезно пострадал в результате взрыва.

б) Обстоятельство причины. Эти обороты соответствуют придаточному предложению причины; они не имеют перед собой союза:

Knowing harmful effects of gamma rays, we took special precautions.

Перевод может осуществляться двумя способами.

Деепричастным оборотом:

Зная вредное воздействие гамма-лучей, мы приняли особые меры предосторожности.

Развернутым придаточным предложением:

Так как мы знали вредное воздействие гамма-лучей, мы приняли особые меры предосторожности.

в) Обстоятельство образа действия переводится деепричастным оборотом:

We communicated with the Arctic expedition using short radio-waves.

Мы поддерживали связь с арктической экспедицией, применяя короткие радиоволны.

5) Составная часть сказуемого, выраженного формой Continuous Passive (в сочетании с глаголом to be) переводится одним из способов перевода пассивной формы*:

*(См. раздел "Пассивная форма".)

The engine is being repaired.

Двигатель ремонтируется.

6) Определительный причастный оборот, соответствующий придаточному предложению, ставится после определяемого существительного и выражает действие, происходящее в данный момент.

The test being carried out is of great significance.

Проводимое сейчас испытание имеет большое значение.

Перевод можно сделать и с помощью придаточного предложения:

Испытание, которое сейчас проводится, имеет большое значение.

7) Обстоятельственный причастный оборот времени или причины, соответствующий придаточному предложению. Перевод делается с помощью деепричастия или придаточного предложения:

Perfect Participle Active and Passive

Обстоятельственные причастные обороты времени и причины могут переводиться деепричастием совершенного вида или придаточным предложением:


Определите функцию формы с окончанием -ing и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The molecules of a gas are moving about freely. 2. Knowing the volume, the pressure, and the temperature of the gas, we can determine the state of its mass. 3. At the beginning of the century scientists succeeded in breaking the nucleus of the atom by attacking it with tiny particles flying with a great speed. 4. Being taken in proper proportion hydrogen and oxygen combine forming water. 5. The ammeter is a measuring device. 6. The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very strong. 7. When speaking of water, we must remember that it is composed of tiny particles - its molecules. 8. Having been detained by a snow storm, the liner was three days late. 9. I was told of their having been sent to the rescue operation. 10. He had good hopes of being sent to fulfilling this mission, and therefore, before returning home he spent some hours in preparing the plane for flight, trying it again and again.

Обстоятельственные причастные обороты в английском языке бывают двух видов:

1) Зависимый причастный оборот, в котором действие, выражаемое причастием, относится к подлежащему данного предложения. Такие обороты, как мы видели, выражают обстоятельства времени, причины или образа действия и обычно переводятся русскими деепричастными оборотами, например:

Applying force, we produce motion.

Прилагая силу, мы производим движение.

2) Независимый причастный оборот. В английском языке, в отличие от русского, бывают и такие причастные обороты, в которых действие, выражаемое причастием не обнаруживает прямой связи с подлежащим данного предложения, а имеет как бы свое собственное подлежащее:

The sun having risen, the fog dispersed.

Такие обороты называются независимыми причастными оборотами (The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction). Эти обороты переводятся тремя способами.

Придаточным предложением времени:

Когда (после того, как) взошло солнце, туман рассеялся.

Придаточным предложением причины:

Так как взошло солнце, туман рассеялся.

Самостоятельным предложением, соединенным союзами: причем; в то время, как; а, но. Такой перевод дается обычно тогда, когда независимый причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения:

Almost all metals are good conductors of electricity, silver being the best conductor of all.

Почти все металлы являются хорошими проводниками электричества, причем самым лучшим из всех оказывается серебро.

Основными признаками независимого причастного оборота являются:

а) Наличие слова (группы слов), играющего роль подлежащего в причастном обороте.

б) Наличие запятой, которая всегда отделяет независимый причастный оборот.


I. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Electroplating was invented in Russia, its iventor being Russian scientist Yacobi. 2. The bridge having been repaired, we were able to cross the river. 3. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 4. The vapour pressure of a liquid becoming equal to atmospheric pressure, the liquid boils. 5. Water has a higher specific heat than most of other common substances, the specific heat of iron being approximately one-ninth the heat of water. 6. Any moving object is able to do work, the quantity of kinetic energy depending on its mass and velocity. 7. The temperature of a wire being raised, the random motion of the electrons increases. 8. The current flow having been changed, the direction of the magnetic lines of force also changed. 9. The substance being a dielectric, no current can flow through it. 10. Gases are light substances, the lightest of them being hydrogen.

II. Переведите текст; обратите внимание на способы перевода независимого причастного оборота:

Electric current generation

The term "electric current" is used to mean electricity which flows through a conductor, a direct current being a current which flows in one direction only. There are four principal ways by which a direct current can be generated, viz.

1) chemical action;

2) thermal or heat action, the word thermal, coming from the Greek word "therme" which means "heat";

3) light action;

4) magnetic action.

To set up a current by chemical action, an alkali or an acid is used to react with a metal. Such an apparatus is called an electric cell, a group of two or more cells connected together forming a battery.

To produce a current by thermal action, heat is applied to two unlike metals soldered together in two places, the apparatus of this kind being called a thermoelectric couple or thermocouple, for short. We get the prefix "thermo" from "thermal", the origin of the last word having been mentioned above. The word "couple" in this term means that two unlike metals or metals and alloys are joined together so that they can be properly heated in the point of the joint.

The reason the thermocouple generates a current is due to the fact that the heat tears the electrons off of the negative metal at the junction, just as the chemical action of an electric cell tears the electrons off of the zinc electrode. It is these electrons that form the current flowing through the circuit.

To develop a current by light action, light is made to fall on a special kind of a cell, the apparatus to be used in such a case being called a photoelectric cell.

Finally, in order to generate a current, a wire is made to cut, that is, to pass through a magnetic field, this latter being set up either by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Where the wire cuts through the magnetic field of a permanent magnet, the apparatus is called a magneto-electric machine or just "magneto", for short. The wire cutting through the magnetic field of an electromagnet, the apparatus is called a dynamo electric machine, or "dynamo", for short.

In general there are a number of ways by which electric currents can be generated by magnetic action, all of them being based on the same principle, that of cutting the magnetic lines of force with a conductor.

III. Упражнения на все случаи употребления форм, оканчивающихся на -ing:


1. Having overcome the economic backwardness inherited from the tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union increased its output of means of production 83-fold, as compared to 1913. 2. The sufferings of people under German fascists were terrible. 3. In America about one million hectares of valuable farm land have been confiscated for military testing ground and camps and every day brings fresh reports of peasant farms being converted to the same purpose and of whole villages being torn down to make room for military installations. 4. The growing economic difficulties are prompting the average American to lift his voice for peace and international cooperation.

* * *

1. The disintegration of radioactive substances is a spontaneous process, no method accelerating or retarding it being known. 2. Carbon dioxide may be obtained by heating some carbonates to a high temperature. 3. In chemical changes occurring in substances atoms continue to be indivisible. 4. Water vapour can be condensed into a liquid by taking away heat or by decreasing its volume. 5. Sometimes the cooling without the increasing of pressure results in liquefying the gas. 6. While teaching mathematics Tsiolkovsky continued his self-education studying astronomy, biology, and chemistry. 7. Stanyukovich distinguished himself as a gifted writer, most of his novels being connected with the sea.


1. The Soviet national budget is an important medium for raising living standards of the people. 2. Peaceful cooperation among nations espousing different social system is both possible and desirable. 3. Taking advantage of the suddeness of their treacherous attack, the German fascists strove to crush our army by powerful blows at the beginning of the war. 4. The lifting of the blockade of Leningrad was a great success of both our land and naval forces. 5. The Japanese yoke having been removed by the Soviet Army, the people of North Korea saw their way to independence, democracy, and progress.

* * *

1. The temperature having been raised, the vapour began forming again. 2. Having added an alkaline solution, we got a dark precipitate at the bottom of the vessel. 3. Having been evaporated, the solution of the mother liquid of calcium chloride gave white precipitate. 4. When testing the properties of the gas evolved while heating mercuric oxide, we find that it is pure oxygen. 5. The air being shut off the fire, combustion stops. 6. Shipbuilding and fishing industries are widely developed in this part of the country.


1. The USSR consistently continues its policy for the safe" guarding of security and for the promoting of peace and friend" ship among all nations. 2. By safeguarding respect for their sovereignty, by opposing foreign interference in the conduct of their affairs, by refusing to allow the establishing of military bases and any form of occupation by foreign troops, the peoples can guarantee their security and protection of peace. 3. Atlantic block is being torn by deep contradictions. 4. French soldiers demonstrated against being sent to North Africa for supressing the liberation movement there.

* * *

1. At the age of 20 Tsiolkovsky began teaching; a profession at which he continued working for 40 years. 2. The splitting of atom liberates great quantities of energy. 3. Atomic energy is the foundation of all processes occurring in our universe. 4. Yellow sand having been used in manufacture, the glass had a yellowish colour. 5. The atomic explosion is based on the splitting of the atom. 6. Two bodies being placed in contact with each other, the temperature of the hot body falls while the temperature of the cold body rises. 7. The current in a circuit is decreased when the resistance is increased, other factors remaining the same.

IV. Переведите текст; выделите все формы, оканчивающиеся на -ing и определите их функции:


Pulling a rubber band increases its length. However, if you cease pulling it and release one of its ends, the rubber band will quickly return to its original shape and size.

Solids in greatly differing degrees resist being changed in shape, i. e. resist deformation. Some of them, like a rubber band or a steel spring, are called elastic because they return to their original size and shape after having been stretched or compressed. Others are known as elastic because they straighten after having been bent.

Gases and liquids are perfectly elastic. In spite of their having been compressed they return to their original volume after the removing of the applied force.

Air, for instance, is perfectly elastic. If it is compressed and then allowed to return to its original pressure and temperature, it returns exactly to its original volume.

We may define an elastic body as one tending to return to its original shape and size when the deforming force is removed. On the contrary, bodies that are not very elastic do not show the tendency of returning to their original form. Thus, elasticity is the tendency to return to the original condition after deformation.

Careful experiments made on various elastic materials show that there is a simple relationship existing between the acting force and the resistance force. This relationship must have a limit somewhere and the stretching cannot be increased indefinitely.

Elastic limit is the point beyond which one should not attempt deforming the body if it is to return to its original condition.

As we are stretching an elastic object such as a steel spring, for instance, there must come a time when the elastic limit is reached, and then the above-mentioned relationship will not hold any longer. However, stretching the steel spring repeatedly or leaving it stretched moderately has no practical effect upon it.

Considering further the example of the rubber band, one finds that the more the rubber band is pulled, the longer it will become until the elastic limit is reached, at last. It is known, however, that rubber can stretch a relatively long distance before reaching the elastic limit.

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