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1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальный глагол must:

1) Her English is very poor, she must study very hard.

2) They must spend more time on their English.

3) You must help her in every way possible.

4) We must learn at least ten new words every day.

5) He must leave at once.

6) The students must do their homework regularly.

7) You must do this important work quickly.

2. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can или may. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) ... I ask you to explain the rule once more?

2) ... you lend me your dictionary?

3) You ... take this book; I don't need it.

4) It was a very popular song at the time, you … hear it everywhere.

5) ... I ask you to do me a favour?

6) Atoms of different kinds ... join together in different ways.

7) They ... continue their experiment.

3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на глаголы to have (to) и to be (to):

1) It looks like raining. You have to take your raincoat.

2) Remember that we are to be at this place not later than eight.

3) He will have to stay there for a month.

4) We are to leave on Monday.

5) The children had to stay indoors because it was raining.

6) Nobody met me when I came, because I was to arrive by the ten o'clock train, but I couldn't get a ticket for it.

7) We had to touch upon this question at the scientific conference.

8) You will have to work hard to finish the work in time.

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами:

1) She ... play chess well. 2) ... I take your pen? 3) ... I ask you a question? 4) You ... not talk at the lesson. 5) He ... not speak English last year. 6) My sister ... not play piano two years ago, but now she ... .7) You ... get this novel in our library. 8) I ... go to the library today to prepare for my report at the conference. 9) ... you do me a favour?

5. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

Не can play chess well. 
Can he play chess well? 
He can't play chess well. 

1) We must tell her this news. 2) He may smoke here. 3) She can speak English perfectly. 4) The students must translate the text at home. 5) We can go to the theatre tonight. 6) We shall be able to help them. 7) They had to wait for a long time. 8) His friend couldn't get this book. 9) You were allowed to take this book home. 10) May I go home now? 11) They were allowed to come at four.

6. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect:

1) I (speak) to him about it several times.

2) We (learn) many new words in this course.

3) He (make) that same mistake several times.

4) I (hear) that story before.

5) I am afraid that I (lose) my car keys.

6) She (see) this film three times.

7) I (tell) John what you said.

8) She (return) my book at last.

9) She says that she (lose) her new pocket-book.

7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect:

1) I was sure that I (see) the man before.

2) I asked him why he (leave) the party so early.

3) It was clear that he (give) us the wrong address.

4) The teacher corrected the exercises which I (prepare).

5) He knew that he (make) a serious mistake.

6) She said she (look) everywhere for the book.

7) I felt that I (meet) the man somewhere before.

8) He wanted to know what (happen) to his briefcase.

8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Perfect:

1) I am sure they (complete) the new road by June.

2) He says that before he leaves he (see) every show in town.

3) By the time you arrive, I (finish) reading your book.

4) I (be) in this country two years on next January.

5) A year from now he (take) his medical examinations and (begin) to practice.

6) If you don't make a note of that appointment, you (forget) it by next week.

9. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен группы Perfect:

1) Не has told her all about his travel. 2) I have never been to Leningrad. 3) Have you finished your homework? 4) They have been friends for years. 5) By the time he leaves home, we shall have come to the station. 6) We are sure that he will have kept his promise. 7) She told us that she had not finished her report yet. 8) He has been the best student in the class. 9) She said she had had her lunch. 10) By the end of the week we shall already have translated this book. 11) They have been absent from class all week.

10. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) There are some extra chairs in the next room.

2) He made some mistakes in spelling.

3) They have some pretty dresses in that store.

4) The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar.

5) We learned some new words in class yesterday.

6) There are some flowers in the yellow vase.

7) The doctor gave her some pills to take.

8) I bought some stamps at the post-office.

9) He told us about some of his experiences.

11. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) You will need time to prepare my lessons

2) I don't have ... money with me.

3) Please, give me ... more coffee. - I'm sorry, but there isn't ... more coffee.

4) I'm sorry, but I didn't have … time to prepare my lessons last night.

5) I didn't have ... stamps, so I went to the post-office to buy ....

6) Please, put ... water in that vase, the flowers are dying.

7) There are ... famous museums in that city but we didn't have time to visit ....

8) The doctor gave me ... medicine for my cough.

9) There aren't ... students in the room at the moment.

12. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

Не told us something about his trip. 
Did he tell us anything about his trip? 
He didn't tell us anything about his trip.

1) There is someone at the door. 2) You left something on the hall table. 3) He will bring someone with him. 4) There is somebody in the next room. 5) He has something important to say to you. 6) There is something wrong with this telephone. 7) She gave us something to eat. 8) He spoke to somebody about it.

13. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every и их производными. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) Не found ... new words in this lesson. 2) I have ... living in that city. 3) She comes here ... day. You can find her in ... time between nine and six. 4) If you have ... against me, speak out. 5) Have ... more ice-cream. - Thanks, ... more for me. 6) ... day he comes here and asks me the same questions. 7) ... was ready. 8) I told you ... I had to tell. There is hardly ... to add.

14. Заполните пропуски местоимениями much, many, little, few. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) Very ... people know about it. 2) He is a man of ... words. 3) ... was said but ... done. 4) Say ... and do ... . 5) ... heard about the book but ... read it. 6) There isn't ... harm in it. 7) He has very ... knowledge of the matter. 8) ... is spoken about it, but ... believe it. 9) We have … friends in Leningrad. 10) There were very ... mistakes in his spelling.

15. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения one (ones), that (those):

1) This text is more difficult than that one. 2) One of the students is absent today. 3) One must always try to speak English at our lessons. 4) There is only one way to do it. 5) Those present at the meeting were the teachers from our school. 6) I like to read English books as well as Russian ones. 7) The students of the first group study better than those of the second one. 8) These pictures are better than those. 9) This film is more interesting than that I saw last week. 10) I don't like this book. Give me another one.

16. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на эмфатический оборот It is (was) ... that:

It was at our institute that this problem was discussed. - 
Именно в нашем институте обсуждалась эта проблема.

1) It was in Greece that ancient civilization was highly developed. 2) It is this fact that explains everything. 3) It is with the same teacher that members of the class are to do all their work. 4) It was I who told her the news. 5) It was my friend who helped me in my work. 6) It was on the seventh of November, 1917, that the working people took power into their own hands. 7) It was at our conference that these questions were discussed. 8) It was on Sunday when they met the delegation.

17. Закончите предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1) It is too late ... .2) He went there in order to ... .3) I was glad to ... .4) They want to ... .5) She hopes to ... .6) It is hard for me to ... .7) He asked me to ... . 8) I finally decided to ... .9) She is afraid to ... . 10) It was impossible to .... 11) He doesn't know how to ... .

18. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитива:

1) You must get up early to be in time for the lesson.

2) We sometimes stay at our institute to discuss the news.

3) One must study hard to know English well.

4) To improve pronunciation one must read aloud.

5) To learn how to use this method you must solve many problems.

6) He worked hard to complete his experiment in time.

7) It will take you much time to perform this work.

8) To translate this text without a dictionary you must know all the new words.

19. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме герундия. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) I enjoy (study) with Miss Smith. 2) They have finished (paint) our apartment at last. 3) Mr. Smith stopped (go) to his English class. 4) We are considering (buy) an automobile. 5) Do you mind (wait) a few minutes in the hall? 6) My little brother enjoys (listen) to the radio. 7) You shouldn't risk (go) out if you have a cold. 8) We shall appreciate (receive) an answer immediately. 9) She insisted on (help) me with the report.

20. Закончите предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1) She is not interested in ... . 2) He is fond of .... 3) We both enjoy ... .4) He is tired of ... .5) We all need more practice in ... .6) Do you mind ...? 7) They are both .very fond of .... 8) He hasn't had any experience in .... 9) She left suddenly without ....

21. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме инфинитива или герундия. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) It's no use (argue) when the matter is settled.

2) I don't like (interrupt) people when they are speaking.

3) It was very useful (hear) the different opinions.

4) Shall we ever have a chance of (see) you here again?

5) He left suddenly without (say) a word.

6) Do you think this book is worth (read)?

7) She is not interested in (learn) to speak English.

8) We went straight home instead of (visit) his parents.

22. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов в Present Indefinite после союзов when, while, if, before, after:

1) If we get the tickets we shall go to the concert.

2) I shall let you know when she comes.

3) When a child leaves the junior school, he will go to a secondary school of one type or another.

4) When this lesson is over, we shall have a break.

5) Before you translate the text, you will learn the new words.

6) When the weather is fine, we shall go for a walk.

7) He will translate this article, if you give him a dictionary.

8) I shall tell you about it after I learn some new facts.

23. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) If the weather (be) nice next Sunday, we shall go to the seashore. 2) If the telephone (ring) while I am out, please, answer it. 3) When you (see) the light turn red, be sure to stop your car. 4) Don't leave until I (call) you. 5) If the river (rise) much higher, there will be a flood. 6) When the weather (get) warmer, we can go swimming. 7) If it (rain) next Sunday, I may have to cancel my trip. 8) I plan to wait here until the mail (arrive). 9) If you not (arrive) in time, you will not get a seat.

24. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите тип придаточных предложений:

1) Everybody knows that education in the USSR is free.

2) I consider it is very important to translate the text without a dictionary.

3) The books you spoke about are available in all bookshops.

4) The exercise I asked you about is rather difficult.

5) The information you sent us-is of great importance.

6) We know he will keep his word.

7) There are many facts in his biography we still don't know.

25. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на окончания -s, 's, -s':

1) In England there is an infants' school and a junior school.

2) It was not our idea, it was theirs.

3) My friend's sons read English well.

4) She studies English and French at the courses of foreign languages.

5) The students of our group like to read English books.

6) Our scientists' discoveries in the exploration of outer space are known all over the world.

7) This engineer's report contains very interesting data.

26. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на место наречий в предложении:

1) We usually go for a walk in the park on Sunday.

2) He has always prepared his lessons.

3) He is planning to visit us at our home tonight.

4) Nobody ever has a bad word to say about Nick.

5) He promised to give me an answer in the morning.

6) My friend often goes to Leningrad on business trips.

7) She is always late for the lessons.

8) He is often too busy to eat lunch.

9) I never go for a walk on Sunday.

27. Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя наречия, данные в скобках:

1) Не prepares his lessons, (carefully) 2) She plays piano, (well) 3) I have spoken to him about that, (often) 4) Does he fail to prepare his homework? (sometimes) 5) He is going to leave for Leningrad, (tomorrow) 6) She stayed with me. (seldom) 7) I saw Mr. Smith in the cafeteria, (yesterday) 8) Have you visited that city? (ever) 9) Have you finished writing your exercises? (already)

28. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на конструкции типа the more ... the less:

1) The more we know about nature, the more control we get over it. 2) The better you learn the words, the sooner you will master English. 3) The higher we climb a mountain, the colder is the air around us. 4) The more you read, the more you learn. 5) The better we know the grammar rules, the fewer mistakes we make. 6) The better we know this girl, the more we like her. 7) The more we study English, the better we understand it. 8) The longer the night, the shorter the day.

29. Заполните пропуски сочетаниями as ... as, so ... as. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) John is ... (tall) ... his brother. 2) Her pronunciation is not ... (good) ... yours. 3) She can do the work ... (easy) ... I.

4) He doesn't speak English ... (well) ... his sister. 5) Our apartment is ... (large) ... yours. 6) He didn't arrive ... (early) ... we expected. 7) She sings ... (beautifully) ... she plays.

30. Переведите следующие пары предложений и определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова:

1) A deaf child studies literature with his parents. Serious reasons changed his results in these studies.

2) Water can freeze and become solid. Iron is a solid.

3) These works of art belong to the famous painter.

She works at school.

4) Heat brings about many changes in materials.

Any material changes when it is heated.

5) They wanted to find the most gifted children.

He was gifted by nature with great talent to write poetry.

31. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

music school, full-part students, five-year plan, high speed car, University Art Department, district music school, labour time, television programme, fresh-water pond, research laboratory equipment.

Ключ к контрольно-тренировочным упражнениям

2. 1) may; 2) can; 3) may; 4) can; 5) may; 6) can; 7) can. 4. 1) can; 2) may; 3) may; 4) may; 5) could; 6) could, can; 7) can; 8) must; 9) can.

6. 1) have spoken; 2) have learned; 3) has made; 4) have heard; 5) have lost; 6) has seen; 7) have told; 8) has returned; 9) has lost.

7. 1) had seen; 2) had left; 3) had given; 4) had prepared; 5) had made; 6) had looked; 7) had met; 8) had happened.

8. 1) will have completed; 2) will have seen; 3) shall have finished;

4) shall have been; 5) will have taken, will have begun; 6) will have forgotten.

10. 1) Are there any extra chairs in the next room? There are no extra chairs in the next room. 2) Did he make any mistakes in spelling? He didn't make any mistakes in spelling. 3) Do they have any pretty dresses in that store? They do not have any pretty dresses in that store. 4) Did the teacher teach us any important rules of grammar? The teacher didn't teach us any important rules of grammar.

5) Did we learn any new words in class yesterday? We didn't learn any new words in class yesterday. 6) Are there any flowers in the yellow vase? There are no flowers in the yellow vase. 7) Did the doctor give her any pills to take? The doctor didn't give her any pills to take. 8) Did I buy any stamps at the post-office? I did not buy any stamps at the post-office. 9) Did he tell us about any of his experiences? He didn't tell us about any of his experiences.

11. 1) some; 2) any; 3) some, any; 4) any; 5) any, some; 6) some; 7) some, any; 8) some; 9) any.

13. 1) some; 2) nobody; 3) every, any; 4) something; 5) some, no;

6) every; 7) nothing; 8) everything, anything.

14. 1) few; 2) many; 3) much, little; 4) little, much; 5) many, few; 6) much; 7) much; 8) much, few; 9) many; 10) many.

19. 1) studying; 2) painting; 3) going; 4) buying; 5) waiting; 6) listening; 7) going; 8) receiving; 9) helping.

21. 1) arguing; 2) to interrupt; 3) to hear; 4) seeing; 5) saying; 6) reading; 7) learning; 8) visiting.

23. 1) is; 2) rings; 3) see; 4) call; 5) rises; 6) gets; 7) rains; 8) arrives; 9) do not arrive.

27. 1) He carefully prepares his lessons. 2) She plays the piano well. 3) I have often spoken to him about that. 4) Does he fail to prepare his homework sometimes? 5) He is going to leave for Leningrad tomorrow. 6) She seldom stayed with me. 7) I saw Mr. Smith in the cafeteria yesterday. 8) Have you ever visited that city? 9) Have you already finished writing your exercises?

29. 1) as tall as; 2) so good as; 3) as easy as; 4) so well as; 5) as large as; 6) so early as; 7) as beautifully as.

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