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Russia has always produced a lot of talented people, giants of thought and skill. The first whom we must name, of course, is M. V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765).

Lomonosov made a number of discoveries of world importance in the field of physics, chemistry, economy, literature, language, different technical sciences.

I. I. Polzunov (1728 - 1766) invented and constructed his steam-engine twenty years before the English scientist Watt.

Academician V. V. Petrov (1761 - 1834) - the electric engineer and scientist - discovered what is known in technique as the electric arc, which is very important for lighting purposes.

The physicist P. L. Shilling (1786 - 1837) made outstanding discoveries in the field of electricity. It was he ~who constructed the first electromagnetic telegraph.

Everybody knows the name of professor Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856) who made a real revolution in mathematics.

Jacobi (1801 - 1874) invented the technique of galvano-plastics and made a number of important discoveries. He constructed the first electric motor boat.

Academician A. Ch. Lenz (1804 - 1865) is well known all over the world for his Lenz's Law. He worked in the field of electromagnetism.

Who doesn't know the great Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleyev (1834 - 1907) and his Periodic Table of chemical elements?

The outstanding physicist A. G. Stoletov (1839 - 1896) discovered the photoelectric effect and did much for the development of Russian science.

P. N. Yablochkov (1847 - 1894) was the inventor of the electric candle. His candle or Russian candle as it was called was a great success. It was shown at the London Exhibition in 1876 and in the same year he received the French patent for it. Yablochkov continued to work hard at his invention. He was the first who constructed the transformer.

Alexander Lodygin (1847 - 1923) not only invented the first incandescent lamp but also showed the possibility of its application for lighting purposes. That lamp had two carbon electrodes instead of one and could light about two hours and a half. It was in 1873. Lodygin demonstrated his lamp in Petersburg where some streets were lit with his lamps.

For his tungsten filaments he received a patent in America. The lamps of today have tungsten filaments too.

The Russian physicist A. S. Popov (1859-1905) made one of the greatest discoveries of all times - he invented the radio. Popov was invited to go abroad and to work there, but he was a real patriot and he answered that he would devote all his knowledge and his life to his native country - Russia.

P. N. Lebedev (1866 - 1912) was a well-known physicist. He was the first who measured the pressure of light. He founded his own scientific school in the field of physics. It was almost impossible for a scientist to do it under tsarism. It is only after the Great October Socialist Revolution that our scientists receive every help from our Party, the Soviet Government and the Soviet people.

There are numerous scientists both old and young who develop the Soviet science now.

both old and young как старые, так и молодые

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